Corporate Governance
NVG is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance. We believe that good corporate governance will enhance the Company's effectiveness and accountability which are vital for sustainable growth and increase in long term value and return to shareholders.
Practice 1: Conducting of Affairs
The role of the Board of Directors(“Board”) is to protect and enhance shareholders’ value. The Board ensures that the company runs in accordance with the best governance practices.
The Board oversees the company performance and sets long-term strategic goals.
In delegating responsibility for the day-to-day operations and leadership of the Group to the Chief Executive Officer and the management team, the Board has processes and systems in place to ensure that significant risks and major strategic decisions are monitored.
Matters reserved to the Board for decisions are material acquisitions, disposal of assets, corporate or financial restructuring, share issuance's, dividends and other returns to shareholders, conflict of interest for substantial shareholder or Director, as well as interested person transactions.
The Board has separate and independent access to senior management of the Group, the Company Secretary and the external auditors. The Directors also have unrestricted access to the Company's records and information, all minutes of meetings held by the Board and Board Committees and management accounts to enable them to carry out their duties.
Practice 2: Board Composition
The Board has a balance of skills and experience appropriate for operating NVG’s business, and changes to its composition are managed without undue disruption.
Practice 3: Audit & Accountability
The Board promotes timely and balanced disclosure of all material matters concerning the Group including quarterly, half yearly and full year results announcements as well
Price sensitive information is first publicly released, either before the Company meets with any group of investors or analysts or simultaneously with such meetings.